By Harshita Kumbhar on Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Category: Brainwaves

Lights, camera, victory. We won the award!

RippleHire won the Spotlight Awards! Yayy! We have been recognized as a futuristic HR Technology product. And, People Matter’s Tech HR conference in Gurgaon was probably the best platform to be recognized at.

There were 94 products that competed and to be selected among 12 finalists was a dream come true. Credit to the People Matters team. They pulled off a great event, loads of great content and presented in a very participative format. The spotlight awards felt like an Oscar ceremony with the music, drum roll and the suspense. And, our CEO, Sudarsan Ravi, got emotional and gave an Oscar-like-speech. This is what he said:

"Thank you. Thank you so much. RippleHire is a technology product that helps companies delight their workforce and transform how they source for top talent. Gamification is a passion area for us. Marrying that with the hiring problem has helped us add value to our customer base. There was a debate earlier today where speakers picked "reliability" or "agility" as their preference in HR technology providers. In today's world, it is important to have both reliability and agility.

I want to thank my team for helping us provide us agility that helps us be responsive to our customers’ needs. I want to thank our customers, HR heads, Talent acquisition heads in the ecosystem that shared inputs generously and helped build a reliable solution. Thank you, People Matters, for giving us the platform to be recognized and for adding wind behind our sails. We are just getting started and we appreciate the jury and your belief in RippleHire.”

I completely agree. We are strongly driven by the desire to add value; to make recruiter's lives easier. The hiring process has a lot of heartburn and we derive satisfaction in being able to help our customers introduce innovation. The award on our desk just reaffirms the belief that innovation and service are key for a product's success. It inspires us every day to accomplish more. And oh, this is just the beginning!

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