Reducing candidate ghosting or joining no shows through employee referrals

Reducing candidate ghosting or joining no shows through employee referrals

Poof! Gone! He/She is not picking up my calls any more. Aunt, Uncle, Mother are in the hospital. Or god forbid, in the mortuary.

  26574 Hits

Removing escalations in the employee referral process

Removing escalations in the employee referral process

Employee challenges or escalations tend to be around two major things - payroll and employee referral statuses. An employee holds the referral process fairly close to their heart. They have taken the efforts to find good talent and believe that the candidate would be a good fit for the organisation. Employees tend to get emotionally vested with their friends whom they have referred for a particular role and as a result expect to be kept in the loop around their candidature.

  25834 Hits

Referrals and the impact of referral on the Top Line

Referrals and the impact of referral on the Top Line

Employee referral is one of the best channels to hire quality talent. And, if done well, it can impact an organisation’s topline in a significant way. So, what’s an employee referral?

  31881 Hits

Implement right governance mechanism to prevent referral fraud

Implement right governance mechanism to prevent referral fraud

Referral frauds are an issue and come in different forms. I’ve heard enough stories from several CHROs of creative referral frauds. And, the need to implement the right mechanisms are critical to prevent such frauds.

  29042 Hits

5 reasons why a mailbox is a disaster for a referral program

5 reasons why a mailbox is a disaster for a referral program

Out of good intentions, organisations put out a referral process. While this seems fairly simple and easy, it is definitely a road to disaster. Let me reason it.

  29802 Hits

Shortcut to hiring talent super-fast using employee referrals

Shortcut to hiring talent super-fast using employee referrals

In my observation, I have seen hiring managers to be very consistent species. Across industries, countries and levels, they all tend to have the same ask when they put out the job role. Can we hire this person as of yesterday?

  29435 Hits

Driving a higher quality of hire using employee referral

Driving a higher quality of hire using employee referral

Hiring a top-notch person delivers exceptional value to the business. A high performing sales professional can do double the revenue as compared to the average salesperson. In the world of engineering, there is a term called as a 10X developer. This is a developer who is exponentially better than every resource around him. Hence, the term 10X.

  33539 Hits

Leveraging Employee Referrals to build a strong and powerful employer brand

Leveraging Employee Referrals to build a strong and powerful employer brand

Organisations that are constantly hiring best talent are getting their employer branding right. Because they have realised that employer branding is more than just a pretty careers page.

  37708 Hits

Improving the offer to joining ratio through employee referrals

Improving the offer to joining ratio through employee referrals

Time to fill is the most important metric for a recruiter or a talent acquisition professional. Business opens up a requisition. And, more often than not, they wanted the person to join as of yesterday. It invariably means that finding a good candidate and getting them to join becomes critical. And, doing so superfast is important.

  37520 Hits

Employee Referrals for Retention

Employee Referrals for Retention

Attrition is a number one problem for an organization to solve on the people side of business. Why? Well, when an employee leaves the organization it’s a severe loss. Let’s think about the casualties.

  35316 Hits

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