Naming an employee referral program for success

Naming an employee referral program for success

What is in a name? ’ While names cannot be reduced to a mere identity, they do convey a lot of things - dreams, aspirations, and goals. Ask the authors or the entrepreneurs who spend countless hours naming their books or startup. 

  4065 Hits

Creating Awareness — First Step to Solve Referral Problems

Creating Awareness — First Step to Solve Referral Problems

Employee referrals are one of the best sources of hiring. It helps you attract talent that is excited to join and stay. As a recruiter, you would have tried all means to improve quality, achieve quantity and create a meaningful experience for your candidates.

  1290 Hits

An Ultimate Guide On Employee Referral Contests

An Ultimate Guide On Employee Referral Contests

Let’s say, you’ve been contemplating an employee referral program and the first thought in your mind is…launching it will be the most difficult thing! However, you realize keeping the referrals coming in is the greatest challenge ever in any employee referral program.

  1826 Hits

How to craft a compelling employee referral newsletter?

How to craft a compelling employee referral newsletter?

Wondering, what’s the buzz about referral newsletters? Are you curious to know everything about creating a winning referral newsletter? Then let’s get started. 

  1924 Hits

Get set, go with your Internal Podcast

Get set, go with your Internal Podcast

Organizations are adjusting to working from home to protect their employees from the outbreak. Recruiters are looking for gigs and employees who can work remotely. The HR team is also juggling a variety of engagement activities to keep their employees happy, valued and informed.

  1592 Hits

Employee Referrals - Problems to Solve

Employee Referrals - Problems to Solve

Employee referrals are good for any organization, be it big or small. A LinkedIn report affirms, when companies follow the traditional recruitment style, hiring takes an average of 55 days. In contrast, it takes only 29 days to hire a candidate through referral.

  2408 Hits

Good People Know Good People

Good People Know Good People

Employee referral programs always work. After all, "Good people know good people." What could be the best, direct way to bring skilled or performing employees to your organization? When you introspect or dive deeper, the answer is within your organization, the top-performing employees will know people like them and can add more value to your company by just referring their friends. Ain't that simple?

  1356 Hits

Make Me Feel Important

Make Me Feel Important

Why is diversity hiring critical? Well, when there are different types of people voicing out different opinions, the discussions and the decisions made by the diverse group will definitely meet all ends. As Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google opines “A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.”

  1213 Hits

RippleHire’s Rebranding Journey: From Employee Referrals to Referrals + Talent Acquisition Cloud

RippleHire’s Rebranding Journey: From Employee Referrals to Referrals + Talent Acquisition Cloud

Don’t be stupid. Don’t change. You are who you are for a reason.” When a friend passionately uttered these words on a zoom call, I paused. I took a sip of chai and stared into the oblivion. Friends with good intentions often tell you just like you need to hear it.

  2269 Hits

Employee Referral Rewards: Top 3 alternatives to cash

Employee Referral Rewards: Top 3 alternatives to cash

Money is a limited motivator when it comes to the employee referral program. It is a nice way to say ‘thank you’ to the employee. But, it’s not the foundation on which employee referral programs are built. A lot of organisations find this surprising.

  1798 Hits

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