By Harshita Kumbhar on Monday, 17 October 2016
Category: Brainwaves

5 Referral Ideas To Hire Top Talent

Employee Referrals co-exist with a lot of other initiatives in an organisation. Initiatives like employee engagement, performance reviews, diversity campaigns, announcements constantly compete for their attention. To run an engaging employee referral program, it is important to have a program with a personality. Here are the five referral ideas that will help you run a successful employee referral program:

#1 Travel

In today’s day and age, traveling is the topmost activity on everyone’s bucket list. Everybody needs a time off from their routine to rejuvenate. To win a short, all-expenses paid vacation by simply referring a friend is a big hit. We have seen employees share jobs on social media networks which help advocate your employer brand.

#2 Adventure sports

One of the most trending activities is adventure sports (Thanks to the movies). A paid skydiving trip is a sureshot way to create buzz and get everyone to participate. The employee who wins instantly becomes a star making recognition easy. The result of this campaign can be leveraged to market the employee referral program inside the organisation.

#3 Recognition

Don’t have a hefty budget? This is the most effective method to boost your referral program. Recognize the employee among their peers. You can also elevate winners by sharing the news on social media. This lays more emphasis on gratitude and less on the money, making the employee feel better about the organisation.

#4 CSR — Corporate Social Responsibility

Neilsen’s reports clearly state that millennials are willing to pay more to be environment friendly. They are the “Green Generation”. CSR helps employees recognise organisations for its commitment to social value and increases the respect quotient. Employees are also motivated to share their experience within their social circle and are praised for it by their peers.

#5 Deliver an experience

It is very easy for cash rewards to be missed out by employees since it hits the bank account directly. Experiences on the other hand help them build a memory for life. Whether it is about taking their significant other for a nice fancy dinner or a getaway into the mountains, people care about building memories. It will help retain top talent easily.

Closing thoughts

I heard this at a conference, "The world has moved beyond jobs, careers and dreams. It has moved to good, quality experiences." (Tweet this?) It’s time we move on too and impact lives with experiences. Ultimately, our feelings and emotions drive us to do what we do, not money. If you build the employee referral program around the same ideology, it is bound to be successful.

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